

Recruiting and Posting Policies

UNH职业和专业成功指定了这些指导方针,以确保雇主有顺利的招聘过程,并为学生提供高质量的机会. 所有希望招聘永利app新版本官网地址学生的雇主都必须遵守这一规定 with the U.S. Department of Labor , the  Americans with Disabilities Act, the EEOC guidelinesNACE Principles for Ethical Professional Practice , UNH's Non-Discrimination Statement, state, and/or federal laws. It is unlawful for an employer to use screening criteria based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, disability, age, veteran status, and other protected classes. 请仔细阅读以下内容,因为我们每年都会更新我们的政策和指南.

雇主应对所有学生和校友信息保密. All materials received from our students and alumni (letters, resumes, transcripts, 应该只与公司中参与招聘过程的人分享吗. 

Employer Account Requirements

In order to be approved at the University of New Hampshire, employer account registrations should include the following:  

  • Organization website, LinkedIn, Twitter and/or Facebook 
  • Primary office phone number
  • Primary office address (including street/city/state). 位于居民地址的雇主需要提供雇主识别号码,并且只允许招聘远程职位. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis (ex. farms).

Posting Criteria

Handshake仅适用于具有0-5年工作经验的学生和应届毕业生(MBA要求职位), 5+ years will be accepted).  All postings should include a comprehensive summary, with responsibilities and qualifications sections.

  • Positions or programs that require an upfront product/service purchase, placement fee or program payment  
  • 为个人或机构提供的居家职位(包括但不限于保姆), tutor, caretaker, nanny, landscaper or painter)   
  • Campus/Brand Ambassador roles that require students to advertise, sell, 征求 和/或招募其他 学生 获得 服务 和 产品 (有偿或无偿) 
  • 1099/Independent contractors
  • 人类受试者参与者 为任何类型的研究或研究付费或自愿  
  • 提供海外就业机会的国际就业机构  
  • 多层次营销组织,需要招募其他人直接销售和利益 
  • 与大麻产业相关的 角色 (大麻在某些州是合法的,但在美国法律下仍然是非法的).S. Federal Law) 
  • Positions that provide equity only
  • Positions not likely of interest to college students or alumni
  • Positions that misrepresent employer information 
  • 任何收到学生、校友、教职员工投诉的雇主 
  • Any employers that harass UNH students, alumni, staff or faculty

  • Third-party employers can be considered agencies, organizations, or individuals that recruit for temporary/contract, part-time, and/or permanent/full-time positions for other organizations. Third parties can include:  
    • Employment agencies  
    • Recruiting/staffing firms  
    • Contract recruiters   
    • International placement firms  
  • 第三方招聘公司只有在公司总部位于新英格兰的情况下才会被批准参与内部和外部职位的握手和招聘活动 .
  • 如果发布 外部 职位,客户名称必须在握手的职位描述中披露. Career and Professional Success必须能够核实第三方招聘的是合法的工作机会,并有权在任何 时间拒绝 招聘访问.  
  • 第三方 组织 和职位必须符合上述发布和招聘政策.  
  • For further details, please refer to Handshake’s third-party recruiter guidelines.  

Recruiting On-Campus or Virtual 

组织必须招聘 为职业发展的机会,无论是全职职位或实习. 该职位必须在校园招聘日期之前在握手中获得批准. Use of alcohol by candidates as part of the recruitment process, on- or off-campus, is strictly prohibited. 联合国大学保留拒绝任何组织在校园招聘的权利. 

校内招聘机构必须获得学校代表的书面批准. Any questions or inquiries can be sent to employer.relations@visumaxcr.com.  

Offer Guidelines

Offers can be an exciting, but stressful time for students. 尤其是爆发式的录取(期限短且有限制的录取)会给学生带来巨大的压力. “经验表明,对学生和雇主来说,最好的就业决定是那些在没有压力、信息最多、透明度最高的情况下做出的. Students given sufficient time to attend career fairs, participate in on-campus interviews, 和/或完成他们目前参与的面试更有可能做出良好的长期就业决定,并且可能不太可能在接受工作时食言.” 

We suggest refraining from exploding offers and exploding incentives. When a student receives an offer, it is common that the student will consult with families, career staff, and/or mentors. Time is needed to discuss, decide and find housing and/or transportation. 录用时间应该是3周,这样你就有足够的时间来决定是选择工作还是实习. 

We strongly discourage students from reneging offers. Please report any reneges to employer.relations@visumaxcr.com

如欲了解更多有关公平及公平招聘及延长聘期的资料,请参阅 NACE advisory

Internship Posting Disclaimer

永利app新版本官网地址发布了实习和实地体验机会的广告和通知,作为对学生的一项服务. 这些帖子包含由其他公共和私人组织单独创建和维护的信息. The University does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. 

永利app新版本官网地址没有正式的关系或协议与任何安置网站和项目的广告或张贴在这里, 它在这些项目中也没有任何监督或管理作用. The University of New Hampshire does not review, nor does it render an opinion as to the safety, quality, 以及任何这些实习或实地体验项目和安置网站的学术价值,不代表或代理任何附加或张贴通知或广告的实习或实地体验安置网站. 

学生有责任调查并了解张贴的实习和实地经验机会的各个方面, and the University of New Hampshire assumes no liability for any loss, damage, illness, or personal injury, including pain, suffering, and death, 学生在参加大学安排的实习或实地经验的过程中,可能会维持的. 

UNH Disclaimer

Career and Professional Success保留随时拒绝或撤销对某个组织的服务的权利, 包括 不符合永利app新版本官网地址规定的机会, Career and Professional Success’s policies, NACE principles, or that violates any state and/or federal law. We have the right to modify our policies and conditions at any time. If an organization is unresponsive after 5 business days in Handshake, we will decline your account and/or position.  这些政策将每年进行审查,并可能根据联合国大学的酌情决定进行更改.