
UNH students sitting outside on UNH campus


UNH 职业生涯 and Professional Success supports students in exploring careers for a major, 实习, job search strategies, interview preparation, the graduate school application process, interest assessments, 和更多的.


  • The Wildcat Way to Professional Success
    A guide to four key career development areas and action steps to build career readiness and professional skills
  • 职业生涯 Technology 
    Free online tools available 24/7 to all UNH students
  • 资源
    Templates, connections, and career advancement information
  • 事件
    A variety of events to support students in building professional success

多样性 And 包容
Navigating workplace and hiring diversity, equity, and inclusion

student career event

Jobs, 实习, and Grad School

Real-world internship experiences, on-campus employment, and post-graduate opportunities.

student and employer at UNH career fair


职业生涯 Drop-in hours logo for decoration only
职业生涯 Drop-In Hours

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
1:00 - 3:00 PM

Weekly 职业生涯 Drop-In Hours are a great way to get your questions answered. Drop-In Hours typically begin two weeks into each semester and continue until the last week of classes. Online 1:1 appointments are also available to schedule through 握手!

  • cep证书 | Kingsbury N111
  • CHHS | Hewitt 3rd Floor Lounge
  • 可乐 | By Appointment only
  • COLSA |鲁德曼G04
  • 保罗 |保罗104
  • CPS | By Appointment Only
  • DIY Professional Headshot Photo Booth | 盖房子, 2nd Floor

Please note: Drop-in services are suspended during university closures and holidays (ex. Thanksgiving week, Winter Break, Spring Break, etc...)